Cacne - by Sophie

So today my mom told me I was officially a teenager. The story began two nights ago when she scrubbed my chin relentlessly after finding a whole bunch of little black "particles" in my fur - she and dad thought I was just really dirty. However the next day when she checked me, it looked dirtier and much worse, so she decided to google my problem. (Note to readers: There is no way I am getting that dirty - there is nothing I could possibly be playing with all day that looks like dirt...I'm a bonafied indoor kitty! Luckily Jen agreed with me.)

Google suggested two different hypotheses (I'm also a very edumacated kitty) for my problem: it could be flea dirt (ew...I hoped it wasn't fleas) or feline acne. As you might guess by now, the latter was confirmed by the vet today. (I hate the vet by the way, it's smelly there and they always stick things up my bum, poke me with things, make me really sleepy, and shave my fur. First it was my belly, this time it was my chin!) So apparently the two things that make you a teenager are shaving and acne!