I don't even know how to spell this childhood game, nor do I remember it a whole lot. I do remember that whenever I got to play it in school it was the best.day.EVER. Like in my 2nd grade mind as awesome as my mom giving me all three meals as cookies or finding out there really was a way for me to become a mermaid, specifically THE Little One. Purple seashell bra and all.
This game popped into my mind as I was sitting at work this afternoon hoping that I could maybe sleep with no one noticing (maybe eyelid tattoos of eyes open will be coming soon) or find SOMETHING interesting to read while we watch our boss pace back and forth every 15 minutes to make sure we haven't escaped this day yet. I mean, really? Are we 7? And that's when I remembered Heads Up 7 Up. It was the game your teacher let you play because there wasn't anything else for you to do, but she couldn't just let a bunch of seven year olds wander the halls and make mischief. But, we're adults and don't need to be babysat. So to enjoy feeling like a 7 year old again, I proposed we play Heads Up 7 Up or get some kind of strong drink up in here.
So I just googled it, and you can spell is 7 Up or Seven Up. So technically, both are right. And here are the "rules":
Seven students were in front of the class. The class laid their heads on their desk. The seven went out and each touched a person. That person would stick his or her thumb up. Then the seven would say "heads up seven up" and each student got one chance to guess which of the seven touched him. If they guessed right than they changed places. If they did not the same person got to stay up.
Played inside a classroom...everyone puts their heads down on their desks and extends one thumb. The teacher chooses one person as "It." He/she goes around touching the thumbs of six people. If your thumb is touched, you go to the front of the room. When this has been accomplished, "It" yells, "Seven up!" Everyone raises their heads and has to guess which of the seven people is "It."
This game came up with family a few weeks ago and someone (I seriously don't even remember who said it) asked us if we cheated with that game by looking at their shoes. I was like "How devious!" When I was seven I didn't know how to cheat! How dare you ask me that! But if you played that game with me now...you better know I'll be cheating all up and down that game and denying it left and right! I got good at memorizing types of shoes from my bathroom stall mates. I blogged about that before. I like to know who is pooping by me. I dunno why, I'm just a big creep.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
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