There is something about going home that takes you back to your pre-teen days. I don't know if it's the reminiscing, the home movies, or the fact that your parents treat you like you're 13 and you respond by acting 13 and throwing a mini tantrum because you don't want to wash the dishes, but either way, it takes me back.
That is why officially November 30th is now Ugly Duckling Day! It's a day for all to relish in the fact that we once were awkward, gangly, and ugly as all hell - and now we are smokin, smokin hot.
I'll have to dig up some pics of me from middle school, cause it's one big hot mess. Braces, bangs the size of a tidal wave, red unruly hair, zits, glasses, semi-chubtastic all wrapped up into a nervous ball of anxiety that made me sweat so much it soaked through thick sweaters plus I was scared of boys and being myself; not that I even felt like I knew who I was. I hope I remember how terrible those times were when I have kids that age. The world was against me, and I hated the world back. Not anyone in particular, just the while world.
So glad I'm over that stage!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
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