Everyone has been ragging on Obama since day one of his presidency, and now it has just gotten worse. I have a few points I want to make about Obama and the fact that he just won the Nobel Peace Prize.
#1 - I love Obama. I may not know every intricacy about what he is doing in office, and call me old fashioned or crazy, but I just have a good feeling about him. Every time I have heard him speak or read a speech of his, it feels and sounds sincere and honest. I do not believe he intends to take America down in flames. His intentions are solid and good.
#2 - He is trying. Why does everyone feel the need to pick him apart so early on? Lets give this man a chance!
#3 - Other countries LOVE him. That is something we need right now. We should be grateful.
#4 - Have we all forgotten what R-E-S-P-E-C-T means?! (I feel like singing now...) It's hard enough to gain respect in my life let alone being in the public eye 24-7 like he is. Lets be decent for once and have some respect for our PRESIDENT!
#5 - Lets pick apart this whole Nobel Peace Prize bit. First of all, I can see where people are a tad bit frustrated and flabbergasted that 11 days or whatever it was after his election he was nominated for the Peace Prize. Well people, he didn't nominate himself and when he was awarded the Prize he stated he didn't deserve it. Now lets not all be sassy and sarcastic and say we all deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. He IS the first black president after all! Maybe it's not even necessarily HIS ideas alone or what he plans to do with his presidency but more of the symbolism of him being in office. Maybe it means America is ready for change. Ready for more peace and tolerance. Maybe the idea of President Barack Obama gives people hope and he has a strong will and desire to make that hope a reality. Maybe because he is such an honorable, sound man his plans and ideas will work! And when they do, I hope all you nay-sayers are put in your place.
Because I don't know about you, but I am definitely ready for change. BIG change.
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
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